Campion Pass

Campion Pass - Clear Creek County - Colorado - 13,183 feet
Scott Gomer Creek to west. Tumbling Creek to east.

Can be seen from the Mt. Evans Road.
hiking trail only

photos by Randy Bishop, 4/7/2017

Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Earth, looking north.

Google Earth, looking west.

Google Earth, looking east.

Garmin Mapsource

USGS Historic Trail Map of the Denver 1"x2" Quadrangle, Central Colorado

USGS Historic Trail Map of the Denver 1"x2" Quadrangle, Central Colorado

Notes from Randy: The nearest point of the Mt. Evans road is 770 feet away and 50 feet higher and makes no point of
traveling between the watersheds, which drop off cliffs to the west and east. The summit of the pass can be reached on foot.

The summit of Campion Pass is located at 39 34 39N 105 38 00W .
Recognized in "The Passes of Colorado, An Encylopedia of Watershed Divides" by Ed Helmuth & Gloria Helmuth.
Is not included in United States Board on Geographic Names.

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� 2005-20 Randy Bishop
Last modified: March 25, 2020