Patchen Pass

Patchen Pass - Santa Clara County - California - 1,814 feet
Los Gatos Creek to north. Mtn. Charlie Gulch and unnamed stream to south.

On CA-17, about 13 miles north of Santa Cruz, CA.
pavement - road bike

photo by Sahm, 9/18/2024

At the summit.

Google Maps, looking north.

Google Maps, looking south.

Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Earth, looking west.

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Garmin Mapsource

From United States Board on Geographic Names:
Feature Name ID Class County State Latitude Longitude Ele(ft) Map BGN Date Entry Date
Patchen Pass 252422 Gap Santa Clara CA 370839N 1215905W 1814 Los Gatos - 01-APR-1990

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© 2024 Randy Bishop
Last modified: September 27, 2024