Guadalupe Pass

Guadalupe Pass - Culberson County - Texas - 5,413 feet

On US-62 / US-180 south of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Pine Springs visitor center.
paved - road bike

photos by Randy Bishop, 5/8/2022

0.1 miles west of GNIS location, looking west.

0.1 miles west of GNIS location, looking east.

0.1 miles west of GNIS location.

Google Maps. At the summit, looking west.

Google Maps. At the summit, looking east.

1.7 miles north of GNIS location, looking north.

1.7 miles north of GNIS location.

2.5 miles north of GNIS location, looking west.

2.5 miles north of GNIS location, looking east.

2.5 miles north of GNIS location.

Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Earth

Google Earth

Garmin MapSource

From United States Board on Geographic Names:
Feature Name ID Class County State Latitude Longitude Ele(ft) Map BGN Date Entry Date
Guadalupe Pass 1358488 Gap Culberson TX 315139N 1044918W 5413 Guadalupe Pass - 30-NOV-1979

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© 2019-22 Randy Bishop
Last modified: May 8, 2022