Military, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighter and Emergency Medical License Plates

Military veteran, law enforcement, fire fighter, and emergency medical services license plates,
spotted at the IBA National Meets in Omaha 2005, Tulsa 2008, and Denver 2006, 2010, 2012 and 2014,
at the 2005 IBR start and finish in Denver and at the 2023 Denver checkpoint,
at BMWMCC 100,000 Foot Rides and Top O' the Rockies rallys, and various other places.

Photos by Randy Bishop, unless noted otherwise.
(Click on the thumbnails for larger images.)

A Salute to Veterans

Dave Ericson, FB-111A avionics maintenance
USN A-6 Intruder maintenance

Motorcyclists in Blue

Fire Fighters



From Mike Evans: NY doesn't have firefighter plates for motorcycles and it wasn't easy to get this one. I work for
 Saratoga Springs Fire Dept and our IAFF local number is 343.  This also happens to be the number of Firefighters who
 made the ultimate sacrifice on 09-11-01. (Mike Evans)


Emergency Medical Services

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Copyright � 2005-23 Randy Bishop
Last modified: October 26, 2023